Keely and Du
Keely and Du is a mind-probing issue play with a gripping human face. Layered with feeling and wired with suspense, this runner-up for the 1994 Pulitzer Prize explores the boundaries of individual freedom and the extremities of religious zeal, through the relationship of Du, a right-to-life activist and Keely, a woman made pregnant by rape, whom Du is confining. Can they find a way to transcend through friendship their circumstances and the ideological issues that separate them? Playwright Jane Martin (Vital Signs and Talking With) poses the thorny question, that despite the human need for connection, is love really possible, even a mother’s, when its origin is involuntary?
Tickets are $20
The first two rows of theatre seating will be designated for masked patrons. Seating is first-come- first-served.
Performance Dates and Venues:
Grizzly Peak Winery
1600 E. Nevada Street
Friday, March 17th at 7pm
Saturday, March 18th at 2pm
Sunday, March 19th at 2pm
Friday, March 24th at 7pm
The Bellview Grange
1050 Tolman Creek Road
Saturday, March 25th at 8pm
Sunday, March 26th at 3pm
Online tickets purchased within 3 hours of showtime cannot be honored. After your purchase, your name will be added to the box office list.
Please bring a printout of your PayPal transaction to the performance. The printout is your ticket.
Purchase tickets using the PayPal buttons below:
Friday, March 17th at 7pm$20 (Grizzly Peak Winery) |
Saturday, March 18th at 2pm$20 (Grizzly Peak Winery) |
Sunday, March 19th at 2pm$20 (Grizzly Peak Winery) |
Friday, March 24th at 7pm$20 (Grizzly Peak Winery) |
Saturday, March 25th at 8pm$20 (Bellview Grange) |
Sunday, March 26th at 3pm$20 (Bellview Grange) |