Moonlighting 2017: Go Rogue!

Ashland Contemporary Theatre is proud to present our annual festival of short plays by local writers, this year with a twist!  “Moonlighting 2017: Go Rogue!” is a collection of short plays by members of The Rogue Playwrights Circle, a workshop group founded by local playwright David Copelin.

For this “Moonlighting,” three of the six plays chosen will be fully produced with sets and costumes and three are presented as rehearsed readings.  The featured plays are: “Playthings” by Mark Saunders; “Give” by Cynthia Rogan; “Emmeline Pankhurst” written and performed by Jeannine Grizzard, “The Other Side” by Bob Valine, “Quite Contrary” by David Copelin, and Molly Tinsley’s “It Is What It Is.”  Most of The Rogue Playwrights Circle are veterans several times over of the “Moonlighting” series.

Although works were not selected based on a theme, as frequently happens with our short play series, one has emerged.  This year it is confounding expectations, particularly as relates to predictable roles.  With “Playthings” a group of toys challenges their disposable status as outmoded amusements; “Quite Contrary” humorously defies religious tradition; and several plays zero in on gender roles.  The “Go Rogue!” collection of plays are directed by Cat Gould, Jeannine Grizzard, Michael Meyer and Peggy Rubin.  Actors are Gould, Meyer, Grizzard, plus Alex Bringer, Karen Douglas, Lia Dugal, Nicholas Madtson, Russell Mitchell, Mabrie Ormes, Judith Rosen, and Elizabeth Suzanne.

“Moonlighting 2017: Go Rogue!” plays at the Ashland Community Center on Saturday November 11th at 8pm, Sunday November 12th at 2pm, Saturday November 18th at 8pm, Sunday November 19th at 2pm.  And a special 3pm matinee will be at Grizzly Peak Winery on Friday afternoon, November 17th.  Tickets for “Moonlighting” are $15 and can be purchased by check or cash at Paddington Station in Ashland, at Grocery Outlet in Medford and online by clicking here. Online ticket purchases have reserved seats. Tickets are also available at the door. For more information, call 541-646-2971.

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